What is provably fair?

Provably fair refers to an algorithm used to prove the fairness of games. By adopting provably fair algorithm, we demonstrate our commitment to transparency and fairness. After every round player can access all data that is needed to prove that outcome of the game was fair.

What does it mean?

This means that we are unable to change or interfere with the outcome of the games, and neither we nor our staff can see the outcome of the game. It ensures that all players can participate with confidence, knowing that each game is conducted with complete fairness and transparency.

How it works?

A random seed is generated, and its hash is stored in the smart contract before any players join. Once all players have joined or the timer expires, the system waits for the next block to be mined on Alephium to retrieve its hash. This block hash is then combined with the seed to produce a random number, determining the game's outcome and finalizing the round.

How can I verify outcome of my games?

Simply enter the provably fair information specific to the game in question into the form provided below: